Introduction to the Gradebook (Video 5 minutes)

The *new* gradebook has been available since summer 2019.  This module will take you through some of the new features and explain the new muting and unmuting process.  Not everyone uses all parts of the grade book though, so we want you to control how you learn about it.  eLearning is happy to give a full walk through in person or offer a training/demo to your department. 

Highlights of the Grade book

  • More settings and filtering options including sorting student names
  • *New* language: Manually post and Automatically post grades replaces mute and unmute
  • Grading Posting Policy: Global setting to mute or unmute ALL assignments
  • Ability to change global posting policy for specific assignments and sections
  • Automatic Late Deduction Policy
  • Global missing submission policy
  • Control over color coding in the grade book to signal late, missing, excused assignments
  • More control over settings for each assignment in the columns



Grade book Video Tour by Canvas